ISI-PRO 2025 Programme

Application Form

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Personal Details

Please enter your title and/or military rank.
Please enter your first and last name as they appear in your passport.
Do you require a visa to attend ISI 2025?

Required Documents

Please upload your CV.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files.
We accept only *.pdf, *.jpg, and *.jpeg files with a maximum size of 25MB.

Personal Statement

In no more than 500 words, please explain why you would like to participate in ISI PRO 2025. It would be helpful to know in particular:
  • what professional or academic experiences you have had that you feel will contribute to the Programme;
  • what you hope to gain from undertaking the Programme;
  • and how it fits into your career plans.
Please be specific.
Application Fee
Non-refundable application fee
The Cambridge Security Initiative | | | The Cambridge Security Initiative is a registered charity, registration number 1175201